بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا الله الرحمن الرحيم DIEU EST NOTRE RAISON / IN GOD WE TRUST PRAISE TO ALMIGHTY ALLAH FOR HIS MERCY It is with a feeling of absolute pride and satisfaction without equals that I write these lines. "About 30 years ago, in JANUARY 1987( I was at that time Director of Roads, rails and inland waterways Transport ), I made a major dream (A Revelation) in which I was in the middle of our concession in Djeol-Gory (SOOCUNDA, dressed in white among people dressed all In white. A carpet covered with diamonds slid towards me, then came to rest on my head.It was very VERY heavy. I woke up all sweat >> I understood by the weight that a VERY great Responsibility will weigh on me in the Future, but where, when and how? I could not know. God only knows it. Three (3) months later, ...