AVIS TRES IMPORTANT LA CONFIDENTIALITE EST NOTRE DEVOIR CONFIDENTIALITY IS OUR DUTY A` L'OCCASION de la Fete de TABASKI,Nous informons nos lecteurs et nos patients qu'a` compter du JEUDI 30 JUILLET 2020 JUSQU'AU DIMANCHE 2 AOUT 2020 inclus, Nous dispenserons une assistance par Les candidats peuvent souscrire par Email adresse'e a` Pour cela ,clicker sur le BOUTON EN HAUT A` GAUCHE, ou bien appeller par Telephone aux numeros sus-indique's. . ON THE OCCASION of the Eid of TABASKI, We inform our readers and our patients that from THURSDAY JULY 30, 2020 UNTIL SUNDAY AUGUST 2, 2020 inclusive, We will provide assistance by FREE Quranic Care and Treatments, INCLUDING REMOTE BY TELEMEDICATION, for any former patient who requests it, and assistance with particular facilities to our readers who request it, either for the care of ailments and persistent diseases deemed difficult, either for a need for socio-professional development, or for the resolution of a social need of...