
Showing posts from 2021


 WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG -When you are young, beautiful or not, in good health, full of energy, enthusiasm and vitality, envy and temptations, ideas and projects for success that abound, -GOD LOVES YOU - Money loves you, because that is the time you can look for it -Women love you too, -And Cheitane loves you too, never leaving you for a single moment.                    AND IF You choose the company of cheitane, money, and women, leaving that of God, your race will be cut short by either a fatal accident or a serious illness that will cripple you forever. In any case, know that sooner or later if you don't repent God will deprive you of the means which have enabled you to turn away from His Way. TO GOOD HEARING HELLO.                                         FRANCAIS QUAND VOUS ETES JEUNE -Quand vous etes jeune,beau ou non,en bonne santé,p...


  PROVERBE PEUL Celui ou celle qui a des relations est riche.Et l'acces a` cette richesse n'est pas couteux:Un petit bonjour,un sourire,un petit geste de gentillesse ou de compassion sont des clefs qui permettront d'ouvrir les portes d'oportunites et de resoudre aisement des problemes sociaux. Les comportements contraires mettront les auteurs dans des situations embarassantes dans les memes moments.