
Showing posts from March, 2017


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  يا الله الرحمن الرحيم    DIEU EST NOTRE RAISON / IN GOD WE TRUST   Anyone who knows this verse and these 2 suras and lives in poverty and misery, knows repetitive failures is a person sitting on a gold mine that she boasts without exploiting it. 1-Bismillahi Arrahmani Arrahim, the opening verse of the Koran, is the key that opens all closed doors, physical or not, guarantees socio-economic development in serenity, protection and security against all forms of risk and Threats and resolves all the problems of various and crucial orders. 2-Souratoul Fatiha, opening sura of the Koran, opens all the closed doors and ensures the socio-economic development in serenity, protection and security 3-Suratul Ikhlass, the Surah of the Unicity of Allah, the Heart and the Center of Gravity of the Koran and the Muslim Religion Every Muslim knows this verse and these 2 Surahs. Therefore, We simply affirm that many Muslims are sitting on ...


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  يا الله الرحمن الرحيم    DIEU EST NOTRE RAISON / IN GOD WE TRUST   Quiconque connait ce verset et ces 2 sourates et vit dans la pauvrete et dans la misere,connait des echecs repetitifs est une personne assise sur une mine d’or qu’elle vante sans l’exploiter. 1- Bismillahi Arrahmani Arrahim ,le verset d’ouverture du Coran,est la Clef qui ouvre toutes les portes fermees,physiques ou non,garantit le developpement socio-economique dans la serenite,la protection et la securite contre toutes formes de risques et de menaces et regle tous les problemes d’ordres divers et cruciaux. 2- Souratoul Fatiha, la sourate d’ouverture du Coran,ouvre toutes les portes fermees et assure le developpement socio-economique dans la serenite, la protection et la securite 3- Souratoul Ikhlass, la sourate de l’Unicite d’Allah,le Coeur et le Centre de Gravite du Coran et de la religion musulmane Tout musulman connait ce verset et ces...


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  يا الله الرحمن الرحيم    DIEU EST NOTRE RAISON / IN GOD WE TRUST       One day I asked to meet religious dignitaries to present them the Koranic pharmacy of  RESCUETO HUMANITY. During the presentation I informed   them   that the products presented in tablets are derived from the verses which they usually quote in their daily prayers and   preaches . And one of them asks me the following question, and I quote: "And it works?" I replied yes and it works, provided that the person who makes the prayer complies with the following rules : 1- To have sincere Faith and to believe in one's prayers 2-To be clean body, Heart and spirit (One can not ask God for good and at the same time wish for evil and have hatred for his neighbor) 3-Pray with clean clothes in a clean place 4-To make invocations by the correct way, namely the Name or the verse, appropriate and respect their numbers of c...


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  يا الله الرحمن الرحيم    DIEU EST NOTRE RAISON / IN GOD WE TRUST       The name marabout is so common that one can not know exactly to which category it corresponds, going from the most honorable to the magician: -The Savant is called marabout -The Saint is called marabout -The head of confraternity and spiritual guide is marabout -Imam of the mosque is marabout -The koranic master is marabout -The healer working with the Holy Quran is marabout -The herbalist healer is marabout -The magician wears the marabout label -The charlatan is called marabout Profiles and operating modes of magicians-marabouts : 1. They are called "Piooru" or "Tapeurs" by the Pulaar, equivalent of crocodiles 2. They present themselves as marabouts while waiting for their prey, their victims, who are rather paradoxically high executives, accountants of companies, managers, great traders, great businessmen and politici...