Le medicament coranique dans la modernite/Koranic medicine in the modernity
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم
Le medicament coranique
est entre’ dans la modernite avec RESCUETOHUMANITY.
-Une pharmacie coranique
constituee de medicaments propres, en comprimes et en “sirop”,sans composition
alchimique,sans odeurs, genantes,a` effets pluriels et multisectoriels,et d’une
efficacite sans ambiguite’;
-Des techniques de
diagnostic efficaces meme a` distance
-Les nouvelles
technologies de communication et de production et des techniques de gestion moderns,integrees
pour la production des medicaments destines aux soins et traitements sur site
et a` distance,de maux et maladies (meme persistentes et jugees difficiles et
de longue duree),La resolution de besoins sociaux cruciaux et divers,La promotion et le
developpement socio economique (commerce,business,administrative,politique et socio-professionnelle);Des
soins et traitements dans la mobilite,sans entrave aux activites
quotidiennes,et socio-professionnelles.Dans le cas des soins et traitements a`
distance,les medicaments sont envoye's et recus a` tous moments et en toutes
circonstances,meme pendant les deplacements.DES
18 annees d’experience a`
l’actif de RESCUETOHUMANITY,qui marquent le debut d’une ere nouvelle dans
l’usage et l’application du medicament coranique.
Avec les nouvelles techniques de
RESCUETOHUMANITY,c’est la fin de l’ere des complexes et des mauvais regards
pour l’usage du medicament coranique,
Je vous invite a` visiter les sites http://rescuetohumanity.jimdo.com et http://rescuetohumanity.blogspot.com,pour en savoir plus
.Tout courriel est a` adresser a` sheikmodisow@gmail.com.
The drug Koranic has entered in modernity with RESCUETOHUMANITY.
-A pharmacy constituted by Koranic clean drugs, pills and "syrup" without alchemical composition, odor nuisance, with plural and multiple effects, and an unambiguous efficiency ;
-Effective diagnostic techniques even at distance
-The new communication technologies and production,management modern techniques are integrated in the production of drugs intended to care and treatment on site and at distance, for diseases and illness (even persistent and considered difficult and long duration) the resolution of various social needs, promotion and socio-economic development (trade, business, administrative, political and socio-professional) care and treatment in mobility without hindrance to daily activities, and the socio-professionnal.
The drug Koranic has entered in modernity with RESCUETOHUMANITY.
-A pharmacy constituted by Koranic clean drugs, pills and "syrup" without alchemical composition, odor nuisance, with plural and multiple effects, and an unambiguous efficiency ;
-Effective diagnostic techniques even at distance
-The new communication technologies and production,management modern techniques are integrated in the production of drugs intended to care and treatment on site and at distance, for diseases and illness (even persistent and considered difficult and long duration) the resolution of various social needs, promotion and socio-economic development (trade, business, administrative, political and socio-professional) care and treatment in mobility without hindrance to daily activities, and the socio-professionnal.
For care and treatments at distance
, drugs are received at all times and in all circumstances, even during the displacements.Real OUTSTANDING FACILITIES
18 years of experience at the active RESCUETOHUMANITY, which mark the beginning of a new era in the use and application of the drug Koranic.
With new techniques created by RESCUETOHUMANITY,there is the end of the era of complex and ill look for the use of the drug Koranic
I invite you to visit the sites rescuetohumanity.jimdo.com,and rescuetohumanity.blogspot.com for more informations about RESCUETOHUMANITY and its activities. All emails for contact should be sent at:sheikmodisow@gmail.com.
18 years of experience at the active RESCUETOHUMANITY, which mark the beginning of a new era in the use and application of the drug Koranic.
With new techniques created by RESCUETOHUMANITY,there is the end of the era of complex and ill look for the use of the drug Koranic
I invite you to visit the sites rescuetohumanity.jimdo.com,and rescuetohumanity.blogspot.com for more informations about RESCUETOHUMANITY and its activities. All emails for contact should be sent at:sheikmodisow@gmail.com.
L'objectif affiche' a` RH est de faire reconnaitre ses techniques et ses produits par l'UNICEF et l'OMS et d'un faire un patrimoine mondial.
The objective appears in RH is to make its techniques and products to be recognized by UNICEF and WHO and make it a world heritage.
The objective appears in RH is to make its techniques and products to be recognized by UNICEF and WHO and make it a world heritage.
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