Nous sommes tous Ignorants et Aveugles…./We are all blind and ignorant
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم

Nous avons tous a` un
moment ou a` un autre dit ou entendu quelqu’un dire,je cite:<<je sais ce
qui est bon pour moi>>.Erreur,car nul ne sait ce qui est bon ou mauvais pour lui ,quel que soit son niveau d’education.
Notre Coeur peut aimer et s’attacher a` ce qui nous est
prejudiciable ,tout comme il peut rejetter et hair ce qui est bon et benefique
pour nous,car tout se joue dans la
finalite et Dieu Seul est SAVANT de ce
que l’Avenir nous reserve.
Le Coeur a besoin d’aimer
et de hair pour alimenter ses passions et ses desirs ,et la passion est l’une de nos pires
faiblesses.Notre pire ennemi n’est tout autre que notre Coeur.Nous devons nous
en mefier.
Tout comme nous ne pouvons
ni voir ni savoir ce qui nous attend au coin de la rue ou dans l’avion ,le
bateau que nous prenons pour le voyage que nous avons programme’ ou dans toute
autre entreprise,Nous devons accepter le FAIT que nous sommes aveugles et ignorants
malgres toutes nos pretentions.
Nous ne savons que ce que Dieu nous a fait savoir,ce que Dieu nous a revele’ et ce qui est cache’depasse de loin ce qui nous a ete revele’ L’Homme propose ,DIEU dispose.
Nous ne savons que ce que Dieu nous a fait savoir,ce que Dieu nous a revele’ et ce qui est cache’depasse de loin ce qui nous a ete revele’ L’Homme propose ,DIEU dispose.
We all at one time or
another said or heard someone saying, "I know what is good for me."
Error, because no one knows what is good or bad for him , Regardless of their
level of education.
Our Heart can love and cling to what is detrimental to us, just as it can reject and hate what is good and beneficial to us, because everything is played out in the end and God Alone KNOWS that the Future reserves to us.
The Heart needs to love and hate to fuel its passions and desires,and passion is one of our worst weaknesses. Our worst enemy is none other than our Heart.We have to be carefull with our heart.
Just as we can not see or know what is waiting for us at the corner or on the plane, the boat we are taking for the trip we have planned or any other business, we have to accept the FACT that we are blind and ignorant despite all our pretentions.
We know only what God has told us, what God has revealed to us and what is hidden far beyond what has been revealed to us,The Man proposes, GOD disposes.
Our Heart can love and cling to what is detrimental to us, just as it can reject and hate what is good and beneficial to us, because everything is played out in the end and God Alone KNOWS that the Future reserves to us.
The Heart needs to love and hate to fuel its passions and desires,and passion is one of our worst weaknesses. Our worst enemy is none other than our Heart.We have to be carefull with our heart.
Just as we can not see or know what is waiting for us at the corner or on the plane, the boat we are taking for the trip we have planned or any other business, we have to accept the FACT that we are blind and ignorant despite all our pretentions.
We know only what God has told us, what God has revealed to us and what is hidden far beyond what has been revealed to us,The Man proposes, GOD disposes.
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