My best Wishes for RAMADAN 2017
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hello ,
Although this testimony is addressed to the ulcerous, it is also a message.
Something I have experienced properly and personally among the tests that have led me to where I am now. As well as in 1974 in Kiev (former USSR), I had an acute attack which made me fall into syncope and which was diagnosed at the time as an advanced ulcer. Was recommended to avoid being hungry, eating anything that was spice, chilli, coffee, acid or hard foods, constipations, but favoring the drink of fresh milk etc. I experienced a 2nd attack The same year in Jdanov (former USSR) during my training course for my thesis as an engineer, then in Lome in Togo at the beginning of Ramadan in 1987 during a mission, following a fish meal Fried potatoes, on which occasion I was briefly hospitalized.I must say that with this handicap, I could not stay more than 2h30 minutes without eating something My only recourse was tablets Tagamet, malox etc.
I received in 1997 the Guidelines that have invested me in the way I am now, and the one I received in 1998 in Monrovia , In Liberia, was to fast for 90 consecutive days and to eat only once a day after the prayer of Maghrib. I did not hesitate, because it is a Divine Directive, although conscious of the handicap that I had.To face this test, I simply surrendered to God, asking for his support so that I could endure and pass through this test which would normally amount to a mere suicide for an ulcer like me. I immediately stopped taking these drugs and every evening after eating, I thanked God for everything what He did for me, then I took the glass of water I read once Surat of the Unicity of God(Suratul Ikhlass), and I ask God to give me strength for the next day's fasting, I blow in and then drink, so I have '90 days without stopping and without difficulty. And better , Amongst the same tests, it happened to me, 3 times, to remain for three successive days without putting a grain of food in my mouth, proceeding in the same way, and yet I went about my business normally and no one Could not see in me that I stayed for 3 days without eating.
Since then I never needed either tablets or syrup against the ulcer and I have a normal diet without any restriction, by the Grace of God. It is a question of conviction, belief and Faith in God. I tested my relationship with God on this occasion, as in others, He answered me and it strengthened my convictions, Belief, my Faith and more I advance, the more my relations with God, based on trust, develop to reach today the summit you are attending.
I recall in passing that the tests that I have just quoted here are the easiest, the least painful, Of those I have lived, not to mention discredits, humiliations both in my households and by external agents, sufferings by ills and diseases,Terror, treachery, conspiracy, all-out swindling and Genres, frustrations, ect, ect, ect.
In fact everything related to God is a test and one can not test its relationships with God exceopt indifficulties, and not in ease.
And besides, when everything goes easily, we always think that it is on the basis of our own intelligence, our own physical strength, our financial power, and what else. All while forgetting that it is by the Grace of God.
God has defined the 5 pillars of our religion, let us try as much as possible to satisfy it, for in my opinion it would be truly contradictory and paradoxical to ask ALL from God (good health, well-being, protection and security , Money, work, success,good wife, children, paradise, etc.) without however providing the effort for HIM, to give the minimum that He tells us to do, because of different reasons.I find that there is something that sounds false.
As soon as we are convinced that God is our ONLY Recourse, we must assume and fulfill our obligations towards HIM, while leaving to Him the care of the solutions, it is HE ALONE that Holds the KEYS.This is for the history and for the rest one can not be on the margin of this truth and this approach, which make that we are required to be closed to God, when we believe in HIM, (Unhappy Are those who pretend to the contrary) with the greatest Conviction, in order to derive the best benefits, the good, peace and security here below and Paradise in the Beyond, That we will end, with our passives of this world of here below.
Then TEST your relations with God by your prayers.
When HE answers you, You will be strengthened in your convictions, more sure of yourself, stronger of the results you will find, you will have inner peace, far from the turmoil, and you will be more serene and more inclined to observe all that would displease God. You will have thus established friendships with HIM who will not let you go and who will be even more ready to help you in your moments of difficulty, despair, in all places and in all circumstances, when You will solicit it.
I am speaking to you with full knowledge of the facts.
When you have God with you, you will have the majority in all circumstances.
To all and to all, I wish A Good Ramadan and Blessed prayers .Aamine.
Sheikh modi sow
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