يا الله الرحمن الرحيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Conseils et recommandations aux zaakirs(Pratiquants de wirdou)
Conseils et recommandations aux zaakirs(Pratiquants de wirdou)
Les pratiquants de zikr
(wirdou),recherchent a` travers leurs pratiques coraniques secretes ,des
benefices d’ordre divers:La richesse.le bien-etre social,le developpement
socio-economique,la connaissance et le pouvoir mystique,le pouvoir temporel,la
misericorde d’Allah pour l’effacement de
leurs peches et l’obtention du paradis,le developpement spirituel,la protection
et la securite,etc
Dans leurs pratiques
coraniques secretes,d’autres recherchent des connections et des collaborations
avec des Esprits pour des motifs divers.
IL est fortement
deconseille’ de rechercher des connections avec des Esprits sataniques dont les
activites sont par essence malefiques et qui finissent toujours,a` un moment ou
a` un autre,par se retourner contre ceux qui sollicitent leurs services.
Certains font des choix de
formules de wirdou de maniere deliberee,tandis que d’autres le font par
recommendation sans specification correcte et detaillee des modalites de
Ceci conduit assez souvent
a` des ravages et a` des drames,dans la mesure ou` la pratique d’une formule
mal etablie et une mauvaise application d’une formule correcte,du fait d’un manque
d’observation des regles d’utilisation
et d’exploitation,conduit irremediablement a` un autosortilege,a` une
Parmi les signes
indicateurs d’un wirdou benefique ou non,il faut retenir que pendant la
performance d’un wirdou benefique,le pratiquant(zaakir) se sent a`
l’aise,tandis que dans le cas d’un wirdou non benefique le pratiquant se sent mal a` l’aise,envahi parfois par des stress ou
des sensations d’ennervement et d’etouffement pendant ses séances de wirdou et
meme dans son quotidien.
C’est pour ces raisons la`
que Nous avons juge’ necessaire de faire les recommandations qui suivent aux
pratiquants de zikrs et aux aspirants:
1.Ceux ou celles qui liront cette
page,peuvent evaluer le ou les zikrs qu’ils font par rapport aux indications
2.Celui qui vous donne un wirdou a`
faire doit en donner toutes les indications et specifications des regles
d’application,parmi lesquelles ,obligatoirement doit figurer celles des
interdits du wirdou;
L’on ne peut s’investir
dans le wirdou d’un Nom divin tout en faisant fi du respect des interdits
Non seulement on se trompe
soi-meme en agissant de la sorte,mais aussi avec tous les risques de subir des effets revers que de tels agissements
peuvent generer.
3.Celui ou celle qui decide de faire
l’usage d’un zikr (wirdou),peut faire une consultation prealable, par la
methode IKHLASS,decrite dans notre article du …afin de verifier si la formule
de wirdou envisage’ lui est benefique ou non.
Dans la consultation,il
faudra eviter de poser la question doublement en disant par exemple,si oui ou
non,ceci ou cela.Cette formulation de la question conduira a` une reponse
double et simultane’e qui la rendra
ambigue et non dechiffrable.
Certes,dans le meme ordre
d’idees,RESCUETOHUMANITY dispose dans sa bibliotheque des clefs coraniques pratiques
efficaces,a` effets evidents et rapides,pour les besoins specifies au paragraphe
1,ainsi que pour les soins des maux et maladies,que peuvent acquerir les
candidats a` la pratique coranique secrete.
Nous l’avons déjà` annonce’
dans nos articles precedents.
Sheik modi sow
Advices and
recommendations to zaakirs (Practitioners of wird)
Practitioners zikr (wird), looking at their practices through Koranic secret, profits of various kinds: The richesse.the social welfare, the socio-economic development, knowledge and mystical power, the temporal power, the mercy of Allah for erasing their sins and obtaining paradise, spiritual development, protection and security, etc.
Other practitioners in their Koranic secret practices seek out connections and collaborations with spirits for various reasons.
It is strongly advised to not seek connections with satanic spirits,whose activities are inherently evil and which always, at some point to another, end by turning against those who seek their services.
Some choices formulas wird are deliberately, while others do without recommendation by correct specification and detailed modalities of performance.
This often leads to havoc and to dramas, to the extent that the practice of a formula established poorly and misapplication of a correct formula, because of a failure to follow rules of use and exploitation, led to an irreparably self-spell making,to self-destruction.
Among the telltale signs of a wird beneficial or not, we must remember that during the performance of a wird beneficial, the practitioner (zaakir) feels at ease, while in the case of a non-beneficial wird the practitioner feels ill at ease, sometimes invaded by stress or feelings of suffocation and ennervement during its sessions wird and even in his daily life.
It is for these reasons that We felt it necessary to make the following recommendations to practitioners and aspiring zikrs:
1.Those who read this page,can evaluate the zikrs they are doing compared to the indications above;
2.That who gives you a wird to do, is to give all the rules and specifications of the application, including, necessarily must be interdictions of those wird;
One can not invest in the wird of a divine name while ignoring the divine respect for taboos;
Not only did we make a mistake oneself in doing so, but also all likely to suffer setbacks effects that such actions can generate.
3.Person who decided to use a zikr (wird), can make a prior consultation, by the method IKHLASS, described in our article ... to check if the formula wird contemplated it is beneficial or not.
In the consultation, it will avoid asking the question twice, saying for example, whether or not this or that.This formulation of the question leads to a double and simultaneous response that will make it ambiguous and not decipherable.
Certainly, in the same order of ideas, has in his library RESCUETOHUMANITY keys Koranic efficient, practices, to obvious and rapid effects, for the purposes specified in paragraph 1, and care of diseases and ailments that can acquire the candidates to practice Koranic secret.
`We have already announced in our previous articles.
Sheik modi sow
Practitioners zikr (wird), looking at their practices through Koranic secret, profits of various kinds: The richesse.the social welfare, the socio-economic development, knowledge and mystical power, the temporal power, the mercy of Allah for erasing their sins and obtaining paradise, spiritual development, protection and security, etc.
Other practitioners in their Koranic secret practices seek out connections and collaborations with spirits for various reasons.
It is strongly advised to not seek connections with satanic spirits,whose activities are inherently evil and which always, at some point to another, end by turning against those who seek their services.
Some choices formulas wird are deliberately, while others do without recommendation by correct specification and detailed modalities of performance.
This often leads to havoc and to dramas, to the extent that the practice of a formula established poorly and misapplication of a correct formula, because of a failure to follow rules of use and exploitation, led to an irreparably self-spell making,to self-destruction.
Among the telltale signs of a wird beneficial or not, we must remember that during the performance of a wird beneficial, the practitioner (zaakir) feels at ease, while in the case of a non-beneficial wird the practitioner feels ill at ease, sometimes invaded by stress or feelings of suffocation and ennervement during its sessions wird and even in his daily life.
It is for these reasons that We felt it necessary to make the following recommendations to practitioners and aspiring zikrs:
1.Those who read this page,can evaluate the zikrs they are doing compared to the indications above;
2.That who gives you a wird to do, is to give all the rules and specifications of the application, including, necessarily must be interdictions of those wird;
One can not invest in the wird of a divine name while ignoring the divine respect for taboos;
Not only did we make a mistake oneself in doing so, but also all likely to suffer setbacks effects that such actions can generate.
3.Person who decided to use a zikr (wird), can make a prior consultation, by the method IKHLASS, described in our article ... to check if the formula wird contemplated it is beneficial or not.
In the consultation, it will avoid asking the question twice, saying for example, whether or not this or that.This formulation of the question leads to a double and simultaneous response that will make it ambiguous and not decipherable.
Certainly, in the same order of ideas, has in his library RESCUETOHUMANITY keys Koranic efficient, practices, to obvious and rapid effects, for the purposes specified in paragraph 1, and care of diseases and ailments that can acquire the candidates to practice Koranic secret.
`We have already announced in our previous articles.
Sheik modi sow
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