2 Great erudites,Alhaji Alhassane Bangoura and(et) Alhaji Lassana Camara attest:
Alhaji Alhassane Bangoura et Alhaji Lassana Camara sont deux grands erudits qui ont encadre’ sheik modi sow dans son developpement spirituel(voir page about me du site rescuetohumanity.jimdo.com)
Alhji Alhassane Bangoura and Alhaji Lassana Camara are two great scholars who have overseen sheik modi sow in his spiritual development (see page About me Site rescuetohumanity.jimdo.com )
Alhaji Alhassane Bangoura
En 1999,après une séance de travail avec le sheik,Alahaji Bangoura lui dit ceci:<<IL est evident que tu vas apporter une revolution dans la medecine coranique et le monde parlera de toi.Dieu sait qui en sera temoin.>>fin de citation
In 1999, after a working meeting with the sheik, Alahaji Bangoura said to him: << IT is obvious that you will bring a revolution in koranic medicine and the world will talk about you.God knows who will be witness. >> End Quote

Alhaji Lassana Camara
IL a rendu 2fois visite au sheik lors de ses voyages en Sierra Leone ,en 2005 et en 2010.
Et lors de sa derniere visite qu’il a rendue au sheik,il lui dit ceci:<< j’ai fait lire tes brochures par un de mes talibe’s qui est bien instruit en Anglais ,Son impression et sa reaction ont ete fantastiques et il a dit que celui qui a ecrit ce livre est un Grand Saint,et le monde entendra parler de lui>>.Et Alhaji Camara ajouta:<<Ta perseverance a paye’ sheik.>> fin de citation.
IT has made twice to visit the Sheikh during his travels in Sierra Leone in 2005 and 2010.
And during his last visit he made to the sheik, he says: << I did read your brochures by one my talibe who is well educated in English, his appreciation and his reaction have been fantastic and he has said that whoever wrote this book is a Holy man., and the world will hear about him >>. And Alhaji Camara added: << Your perseverance has paid, Sheik. >> unquote.
And during his last visit he made to the sheik, he says: << I did read your brochures by one my talibe who is well educated in English, his appreciation and his reaction have been fantastic and he has said that whoever wrote this book is a Holy man., and the world will hear about him >>. And Alhaji Camara added: << Your perseverance has paid, Sheik. >> unquote.
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