In January 1992, while I have had the experience, the subject of my testimony "good deed is never lost," a friend, Ousmane S., told me the following mishap happened to him.He told me this : <
What then, I asked him?
He continued: This morning I went to see someone who promised 10 000 um (equivalent to $ 200 that time). I had to give him Tuesday at the latest, after receiving my salary.When I arrived at the bottom of the building AFARCO (that’s in Nouakchott, Mauritania) towards the office of my friend, I met a cousin who told me that this is two days that his wife did not put the pan to the fire and he does not know yet where he could find at least the food money for the day. I had a total of 500um (10 $) in my pocket. I told him to expect, that I too am going to same cause, and if I find my friend and I will give him the $ 500, if not, we will share equally the 500 um .I went up to the office of my friend. I found that he has been called by his Director and I had to wait for him . When he came back, he gave me the 10.000 um, and I hasten went down to find my cousin, but he was gone.I felt some remorse, because i did not give him at least 200 um, knowing that I have many more opportunities than he.
I then took my car and went to buy gas before going to take my kids at school and I kept thinking about . When I entered in circulation after having taken the children, I made a traffic accident which damaged the whole right side of my car.From there I drove the children at home and my car to the garage.The cost of repairs amounted to 35 000um and I must now seek a complement of 25 000 um to pay for the sheet metal workers and electricians. You see that? God is not waiting now to punish us for our deeds and acts.>>
Yes, I said. It's true what you say, and you have at least the merit of having established the causal relationship between the facts and it will serve you for teaching. Then I told him my story as the subject of my testimony :<< good deed is never lost >>.
Our deeds and acts are always in multiples payroll, even if we do not establish the relationship between cause and effect .
Sheik Modi Sow
Rescue to Humanity cures your aches and diseases ,listens to you,advises you, teaches you and sustains your development.(see more in the website rescuetohumanity.jimdo.com)
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