The Satanic interferences in the daily

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم   

Each person, regardless of race, gender, age, social position and its geographical position, is confronted in his daily life to the Satanic interference, forms and in varying degrees.
 No economic development, no modernity can not challenge this state of affairs.
We must therefore deal with and resolve, when it does, through appropriate way, to mystical knowledge and spiritual.Any other alternative will be a sword in the water and doomed to the failure.
This is where RESCUETOHUMANITY brings expertise, know-how, in addition to the assistance that we give to our patients for their development and needs for resolution of their critical and diverse social needs.
In our articles that follow, we will talk about satanic interference on health, in households and among couples in the house sites, in behavior and in social Individuals, in sleep, in children, in studies in commerce and business, in professional activities, with livestock, in the agricultural activities and the displacements.
       IT is not for us, by the articles that follow ,to exhaustively enumerate all such interferences, but rather to give an overview on the different types of events, to allow anyone to understand a situation, their own or that of a closed when this happens.
     But we say that we live and cohabit with the spirits, since we are made of matter and spirit; This is a reality indisputable; When they are good all goes well, and when they are bad and evil, this becomes the subject for dramatic affect, and this results in frequent ailments and diseases, failures of permanent, perpetual conflicts, ups and downs, a hostile environment at all times, frequent accidents, difficulties and obstructions successive initiatives unfortunate, antagonisms not justified, nightmares, visions of demonic, ect, ect
In this article we will discuss the characteristics of satanic interference on human health
Apart from certain ailments and diseases which are due to chemical poisoning and that are persistent and resistent to different treatments, the ailments and diseases are characterized as satanic by their persistence and their resitence to any form of clinical treatments and sometimes even traditherapeutical; They can affect all parts of the body, all organs and result in excruciating pain and chronic, bones, articular or neurological impairments are of various physical or sexual, headache excruciating, chronic and permanent (usually women), sensations of burning in the pulpit, tingling and tingling of feet standing on planks or of other body parts ect,or severe infections, internal or external, resistant to antibiotic treatments, which disappear for a period, to subsequently treatment, then reapear.They often take conventional pathological forms, but can also take aspects and particular forms unknown, and very upsetting.
In women, specifically, the Satanic attacks and possessions are characterized among others by frequent early abortions and infertility, persistent bleeding of non that relate to pregnancy, voluptuous dreams of frequent and regular with different partners, problems and gynecological complications, headache severe and chronic, etc.
They take their origin or due to the violation of a space or a property occupied by spirits Satanic, or by an attack by sorcery on the part of someone with exceptional powers evil or by divine sanctions for acts prohibited by God, volunteers and repetitive.
In the case of divine sanctions, satanic attacks generally affect the parties and means that the subject uses to commit his felonies, in order to priver.IT goes from the health to the economy.
These diseases are sometimes satanic brutal, violent, and sometimes they spread in duration taking the shape of a satanic possession and they are always accompanied by nightmares, dreams fearfull, terrifying demonic visions and colateral effects causing some social destabilization in the subject attaint.This is where how we can recognize them.
Mental disorders of demonic origin seem classical pathologies, but are often characterized by their violence.In this case, patients have an outsized physical strength and are difficult to clinically curable.
Each time you share this information you are saving human life.
A highly commendable act that only God can pay you back.
In our next article we will discuss the Satanic interferences and their impacts in households, in couples.

      Sheik modi sow
       Spiritual guide for HR


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