Make Cissoko,Mining Operator

Make Cissoko,
Operator Mining: diamond, gold, coltan , corundium and ruby, with several productive sites in operation,
-Develops and research partnership for the exploitation and marketing, stated:
-I believe to RESCUETOHUMANITY for seeing more patients satisfied with its services both on site remotely.
RESCUETOHUMANITY createsfavorable conditions for socio-economic development.
I adhered to RESCUETOHUMANITY and I invite those who have the interests of development to do the same.
My contacts
Telephone: +232 76837775
+232 33385360
Address: No.2, Bathurstreet, Kenema Sierra Leone
Make Cissoko,
Operateur minier diamant,or,colton , corundium et ruby,disposant de plusieurs sites productifs en exploitation,
-Developpe et recherche partenariat pour l’exploitation et la commercialisation,declare :
-Je crois a` RESCUETOHUMANITY pour avoir vu plusieurs patients satisfaits de ses services aussi bien sur site qu’a` distance.
-RESCUETOHUMANITY cree les conditions favorables au developpement socio-economique.
J’ adhere a` RESCUETOHUMANITY et j’invite tous ceux qui ont un souci de developpement a` faire autant.
Telephone:+232 76837775
+232 33385360
Adresse : No2, Bathurstreet, Kenema Sierra Leone
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