Temoignage et prieres de Alhadji abdoulaye Lam
Je suis Alhadji Abdoulaye Lam,marabout,tres connu, ayant residence a` Zouerate ,Nouadhibou et Nouakchott ,en Republique Islamique de Mauritanie.
Sheik modi sow a ete mon eleve et mon disciple dans les annees 1980..Je reconnais en lui une Foi inebranlable et des qualites humaines hautement appreciables.IL etait d’une simplicite et d’une humilite assez remarquables,malgre’ les hautes responsabilites administratives qu’il assumait a` l’epoque..
L’observation de son etoile a` cette époque la`,faisait entrevoir un avenir tel que nous l’observons aujourd’hui.Benit soit–il et qu’Allah, Le Tout Puissant, lui apporte tout son soutien pour l’accomplissement de l’oeuvre oh! combien exaltante qu’il mene aujourd’hui,dans l’interet de l’humanite.
I Thierno Abdoulaye Lam, marabout, very known, with residence at Zouerate, Nouadhibou and Nouakchott , Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
Sheik modi sow was my pupil and my disciple in the years 1980.I recognize in him an unshakable faith and human qualities highly appreciable.He was with a simplicity and humility of a rather remarkable, despite the high administrative responsibilities that he assumed at that epoch.
The observation of his star at that time, was showing a future as we see today. May Allah, the Almighty,bless him and support him for the accomplishment of the work oh! How exciting he leads today, in the interest of humanity.
Sheik modi sow was my pupil and my disciple in the years 1980.I recognize in him an unshakable faith and human qualities highly appreciable.He was with a simplicity and humility of a rather remarkable, despite the high administrative responsibilities that he assumed at that epoch.
The observation of his star at that time, was showing a future as we see today. May Allah, the Almighty,bless him and support him for the accomplishment of the work oh! How exciting he leads today, in the interest of humanity.
A travers cette espace,j’adresse toute ma gratitude et mes remerciements a` mon maitre Alhadji Abdoulaye Lam,Grand marabout qui m’a assiste’ et encadre’ avec toute la sincerite’ requise et sa bonne foi ,qui m’ont permi d’acceder a` la connaissance qui m’a conduit au stade auquel je me trouve aujourd’hui.Je prie Allah le tres misericordieux de le lui payer en retour et benisse toute sa descendence.Amine.Thierno Lam est un tres grand marabout.IL est joignable par les coordonnees indiquees ci-dessus
Through this space, I extend my gratitude and thanks to my teacher Alhaji Abdoulaye Lam, who has assisted me and coached me with all sincerity, and good faith required that allowed me to access to the knowledge that led me to the stage where I am today. I pray to Allah the most merciful to pay him back and bless all his descendence.Amine.Thierno Lam is a very great marabout and he can be reached by the coordinates listed above.
Sheik modi sow
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