بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم
Temoignage de MrMohamed Lemine Diack
يا الله الرحمن الرحيم
Temoignage de MrMohamed Lemine Diack
MOHAMED LEMINE DIACK,Consultant chez MLD Conseil Entreprise
Corse, France-Financial Services
a ecrit :
Bonjour Mody, D'abord, Aid El Fitr Moubarak pour toi et ta famille. Qu'ALLAH agréé notre jeûne, pardonne nos fautes, corrige nos erreurs, nous donne paix, santé, longue vie, nous couvre de ses bienfaits ainsi que nos familles. Qu'il soit glorifié.
C’est un Réel plaisir de te retrouver, je me suis toujours demandé au cours de ces 20 années ce que tu étais devenu, te citant à chacune de mes interventions parmi les précurseurs de la microfinance en Mauritanie, bien que certains aspects de ta doctrine me faisait grincer les dents et ne rencontraient pas mon adhésion. Mais je dois dire que j'ai aimé et apprécié ta réflexion et l'analyse sur une voie possible de sortie vers le mieux des populations démunies et vulnérables. En réalité à cette période là beaucoup de concepts voyaient le jour au gré des réflexions des uns et des autres. Je suis convaincu que tous avaient en ligne de mire une solution de sortie de la pauvreté. En fait dans ta nouvelle voie, n'est ce pas ce dicte le Saint Coran. Combien de fois, j'ai du batailler à la BCM pour faire accepter tes théories, mais tu étais considéré comme le diable personnifié plus par ton aspect physique que par l'introduction du concept nouveau. Seuls le respect de l'ancienneté dans la profession bancaire, de la bienveillance du gouverneur, l'amitié d'un Directeur du (yarhamouhou) que Dieu l’accueille en son paradis et d'un supposé "professionnalisme", m'ont épargné la sentence de collusion.
Je suis content d'une reconversion, qui au fond ne me surprend pas beaucoup quand on a côtoyé l'homme que tu es (toujours animé par la recherche et l'innovation).
Je suis content également que tu te portes bien et que tes activités du médicament coranique connaissent des résultats profitables au plus grand nombre. J'ai parcouru les sites indiqués, ma curiosité et soif de connaitre restent intacts, aussi j'aimerai bien que tu m'en parles un peu plus.
Ton appel et l’échange qui a suivi ont réveillé beaucoup de souvenirs. J'ai lu avec beaucoup d’intérêt ton mail et t'en remercie. Je disais dans mon post que je n'étais pas surpris à la foi de l'orientation nouvelle encore moins des capacités d'innovations, de réflexions et analyses de l'homme. Bien sur que tu peux utiliser comme bon te semble, tout ce j'ai écrit te concernant.Je te souhaite bonne continuation et beaucoup de réussites (ce dont je ne doute pas). Comme promis, je reviens vers toi.
Portes toi bien, de même pour ta famille. Très cordialement.
Ps:cliquez sur le lien de Mohamed Lemine Diacck pour mieux le connaitre.C'est un homme d'une envergure exceptionnelle
Hello Mody, first, Eid al-Fitr Mubarak to you and your family. ALLAH approved our fasting, forgive our sins, correct our mistakes, gives us peace, health, long life, cover us his benefits and our families. He may be glorified.
It is a real pleasure to meet you, I've always wondered during these 20 years that you had become, citing you to each of my interventions among the precursors of microfinance in Mauritania, although some aspects of your doctrine made me cringe and did not meet my membership. But I must say that I enjoyed and appreciated your reflection and analysis on a possible way out for the better of the poor and vulnerable. Actually at that time there were many concepts emerging at the discretion of the reflections of each other. I am convinced that all had in sight an exit solution to poverty. In fact in your new path, is not it dictates that the Holy Quran? How many times, I had to fight to the BCM(Central Bank of Mauritania) to accept your theories, but you were considered the devil personified by your physical appearance more than the introduction of the new concept. Only respect for seniority in the banking industry, the kindness of the governor, the friendship of a Director (yarhamouhou) that God welcome in His paradise and a supposed "professionalism" have saved me collusion sentence.
I'm glad retraining, which basically does not surprise me much when we rubbed the man you are (always driven by research and innovation).
I am also glad you well and that you doors of your Koranic drug activities experiencing profitable results to the greatest number. I have read the indicated site, my curiosity and thirst to know remain intact, as I will like that you mention me some more.
Your call and the ensuing exchange awakened many memories. I read with great interest your email and thank you. I said in my post I was not surprised at the faith of the new direction even less innovation capacity, reflection and human analysis. Of course you can use as you see fit, everything I wrote concerning you.I wish good luck to you and many successes (which I do not doubt). As promised, I will come to you.
Doors you well, and for your family. Sincerely.
Ps: Click Mohamed Lemine Diacck link to know more about him .He is a man with exceptional scale
Hello Mody, first, Eid al-Fitr Mubarak to you and your family. ALLAH approved our fasting, forgive our sins, correct our mistakes, gives us peace, health, long life, cover us his benefits and our families. He may be glorified.
It is a real pleasure to meet you, I've always wondered during these 20 years that you had become, citing you to each of my interventions among the precursors of microfinance in Mauritania, although some aspects of your doctrine made me cringe and did not meet my membership. But I must say that I enjoyed and appreciated your reflection and analysis on a possible way out for the better of the poor and vulnerable. Actually at that time there were many concepts emerging at the discretion of the reflections of each other. I am convinced that all had in sight an exit solution to poverty. In fact in your new path, is not it dictates that the Holy Quran? How many times, I had to fight to the BCM(Central Bank of Mauritania) to accept your theories, but you were considered the devil personified by your physical appearance more than the introduction of the new concept. Only respect for seniority in the banking industry, the kindness of the governor, the friendship of a Director (yarhamouhou) that God welcome in His paradise and a supposed "professionalism" have saved me collusion sentence.
I'm glad retraining, which basically does not surprise me much when we rubbed the man you are (always driven by research and innovation).
I am also glad you well and that you doors of your Koranic drug activities experiencing profitable results to the greatest number. I have read the indicated site, my curiosity and thirst to know remain intact, as I will like that you mention me some more.
Your call and the ensuing exchange awakened many memories. I read with great interest your email and thank you. I said in my post I was not surprised at the faith of the new direction even less innovation capacity, reflection and human analysis. Of course you can use as you see fit, everything I wrote concerning you.I wish good luck to you and many successes (which I do not doubt). As promised, I will come to you.
Doors you well, and for your family. Sincerely.
Ps: Click Mohamed Lemine Diacck link to know more about him .He is a man with exceptional scale
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