
The present message is a testimony and a key that can inform and call to repentance all those who are in distress or in erance, those who refuse to pray and those who make a mere formality which they s 'perform mechanical manner, without conviction, followership;
 To all I testified that in May 1998, I met at Monrovia (capital of liberia), a man who refused to pray on the pretext that Islam is a religion imported. Whoever asked why he does not pray, he made him a ennemi.As he is high educated (he has his master's degree in technical sciences), I discussed the topic with him as an intellectual, but I have not been convinced by his arguments. That's when I said this: <You came here to work in the diamond to find wealth; So I ask you to do the coming prayer this night to see if you're going to succeed or not: You take your ablution or well you wash properly before going to bed, after you have been installed 'in your bed, you do a reading once SOURATOUL IKHLASS (Sura of the oneness of God) and you ask to God, if in the current state of things you will find the wealth and social status that you wish in your life,then blasts in the palm of your right hand, you rub on your face and you lay down; The answer will soon  come; The next morning he tells me he dreams' that he was in dirty water and disorders, the current prevailed and he saved his life thanks to a tree branch which is hung at passage.He got scared and then he wakes up." I said, did you understand? He said yes.Then  I told him this night, you  will proceed in the same way and you will ask GOD, if you died in such circumstances, what fate HE reserve  RESERVES TO YOU in Beyond; The next day he told me he had dreamed that he was in a space where fire was everywhere, chared cars and bodies everywhere, and planes where bombing as fire as deluge.I tell him you understand? I replied yes.I told him for the last night, you will proceed in the same way and you will ask God,so that  to get what you're looking for here and beyond `What should you do? The next day he told me he saw the Prophet Musa (as) who was very angry 'against him, then a voice said to him :Read what is written on your robe,he looked and then he read:
                                    You must pray, you must pray, you must pray.
From that day he started to pray and people ask me what makes the man to pray, I told them that God has certainly spoke to him. He has become a believer convinced..Our good deeds are compensed while our bad deeds are punished still here on earth or in the Looking beyond. THE JUDGMENT OF GOD AND THE DIVINE SANCTIONS are indisputable truth, although some people in distress or hungry libertinism, please to ignore it. To inform each other, I invite them to do the following after consultation regardless of night, just before going to bed: Make ablution for Muslims or wash properly for non-Muslim reading a Souratoul Ikhlass both the Muslim and ask to ALLAH, THE JUDGE, to show him in his sleep what to expect in the Looking beyond, the views of his dream will guide him in his conduct here below .
For the non-Muslim, he expressed his appreciation of the uniqueness of GOD and HIS POWERS, then he make the same formula application; blowing in the right hand, rub on the face and lays down.The answer will not be long and may guide the consultant or his behavior at all future. Please convey the present message.

                                                              Sheik Modi Sow


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