Hello, Although this testimony is to address the ulcer, it is also a message.Thing that I experienced personally and specifically among the tests that led me to where I am actually.It happened first time in 1974 in Kiev (USSR), I had an acute crisis that made me fall into a swoon and was at the age diagnosed as an ulcer brought forward. I was recommended to avoid being hungry, eat anything that was spicy, chili, cafe ', hard or acidic foods, constipation, but to promote the drink fresh milk etc. I knew a second attack in the same year in Zhdanov (USSR) during my internship in preparation for my thesis to engineer and then in Lome in Togo at the beginning of Ramadan in 1987 during a mission, further to a meal fried fish and fried potatoes, at which time I was briefly hospitalized. IT must be said that with this disability, I could not stay longer than 2:30 minutes without eating anything, my only recourse was the Tagamet, the malox etc.It’s in those conditions I have received the guidelines that I have invested in the way in which I am presently, and the first directive that I received in 1998 in Monrovia, in Liberia, was to do a fasting of 90 consecutive days and only eat once a day after the maghrib prayer .I executed without hesitating, because it is a divine directive, although aware of the evil that I. To face this ordeal, I simply handed to God, asking for His support so that I get through this ordeal and be able to supporte it,which normally falls for me a simple suicide . I immediately stopped taking these drugs and every evening after eating, I thanked God for everything what he did for me, then I took 1cup water and read 1 time the Surate of the oneness of God(Souratoul Ikhlass), and I ask God to give me strength for the next day after fasting, then I breathe into then I drink.This is how I kepted fast for the 90 days without stop and without difficulties.Better among the same tests it happened to me, for 3times, to stay for 3 consecutive days without putting a grain of food in my mouth, by proceeding in the same way, And yet I vaquais to my business and any person normally could see in me that I'm still three days without eating.From that time I've never needed pills or syrup against the ulcer and I have a normal diet without any restriction by the Grace of God. It is a matter of conviction, belief and faith in God.I have tested God on that occasion, as in others, He answered me and it has beefed up my beliefs and my beliefs, and more I go over. my relationships with God gets stronger, based on the trust, being developed to achieve this to what you assist.The tests that I have mentioned here are the easiest, the least painful, from what I experienced, not to mention discredits, humiliation in my household as well as by external agents, suffering from ailments and diseases ,terrible betrayals, conspiracies, scams all directions , frustration, ect, ect., Certainly ,everything that relates to God is an ordeal and we can not test God in the facilities but in the difficulties. And besides, when everything is easy, we still think it is from our own intelligence, our own physical strength, and what else ... while forgetting that it is by the Grace of God.God has defined the five pillars of our religion,Islam, try as much as possible to satisfy, as it would in my opinion.Verily it’s contradictory and paradoxical to ask ALL from God (the healthy , the welfare, protection and security, money, work, success, children, heaven, etc.) without providing the effort to give HIM the minimum HE tells us to do, because of a pattern and find that there reasons temporels. There is something that sounds false. when we believe that God is our ONLY use, we must assume and fulfill our obligations to screw HIM, while leaving to him the solutions, because He is ALONE who holds the KEYS of the solutions.This is for the record and the rest can not be on the sidelines of this truth and this gait, which we are bound to be the closest to God when we believe in Him, (Unhappy are those who pretend to the contrary) with the greatest conviction, to gain the best profits, the well being, peace and security on this earth and in heaven Looking beyond, because that is where we will end with our liabilities in this world below .So, TEST your relationship with God by your prayers.When He answers you, you will be reinforced in your convictions, safer, stronger than according to the results you see, you have inner peace, away from the storms, and you will be calmer and more likely in the observation anything that will displease God.You will establish relationships of friendship with the One who WILL NEVER let you down and WHO will be even more ready to help you, in your moments of difficulty, of despair, everywhere and under all circumstances, when you request .I mention in knowingly.

When you have God with you, you will have the majority in all circumstances.

To all , I wish a happy Ramadan.

Sheik modi sow

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