You must
1. Work for the blessing of your mother and your father the time they are alive.Not having will be the cause of torment for life here on earth and beyond .
2. .Have Faith in God,believe your prayers,and as far as possible avoid the Haram ,that is the fraude and speculation ,the criminality,divine prohibitions,adultery,and fornication,alcohol,drug.
3. And that , the one who devotes to prohibited by God and who keeps a time, sooner or later will end up paying a high price and will always end at the bottom of the scale, whatever the duration and whatever his or her position in society, and this will be either a political or administrative or economic and financial debacle which will never recover, or by incurable disease, or by an irreparable discredit.For proof just look behind you or around you.
4. Know your topic not to be a charlatan and a crook, be serious in what you do and have discipline in your management; Make your projections with respect to your available.
5. Meet your commitments with partners while avoiding making commitments that you can not keep.Being punctual in your appointments is a sign that raises the confidence vis a `vis you.Develop good relationships . Don’t be ungrateful
6. Avoid the rush and precipitation in your activities and in your decision-making and taking time to reflect on the demands and proposals of the others.Rush and precipitation always lead to setback.
Make the right decision at the right moment.When you delay your decision to be taken it will cost you money and when you take the wrong decision it will be more expensive and dramatic.
Be careful and grateful. Love does not make you lose your lucidity.
7.Ovoid to offend the one you do not know, you do not know what it holds.Do not hurt and be injuste.God does justice inevitably and it is through a third party or through painful events.
8. Have the courage to challenge and reverse when you are wrong recognized.Ovoid stubbornness and obsession that often lead to a drama and the tragedy `.
9. Stand back from events in order to judge them more carefully
10. Have a sense of the weighting and moderation
11. Have the determination,patience, perseverance and never give in to discouragement to a sum of echec.The sum of failure is a school leading to success.
12. Know that the way up to the Knowledge, Wealth and Power, is full of  tests after, problems, pitfalls, chess, harassment, discrediting, humiliation, suffering, and deprivation (whatever the forms), hunger, disease, ect, moment of solitude, which will point you off or make you lose sight of your goal fondamental.And it is always easier to get to the top than to stay there, despite the constraints cited above.The path to God is difficult, but happy is he who succeeds.
13. Do not send someone who asks for help for the love of God.Do for him what is your possible. God will always pay you in multiples even if you do not make the correlation;The reverse is also valuable if you send him.
14. Pay attention to courtisans.Do not trust at priori someone has, up until proven otherwise and can often only vis a `vis who intend to deceive and defraud you, seek a earn your trust by small actions and gestures to entice you and earn your trust before you betrayed by major events if given the opportunity.
15.Be an observer and a good listener, it is a rewarding school.The person who loves you is the one who gives you the good advices
16.Know that your enemy is always a score you, or will that which is always next to you, to hurt you.
17.Do not disappoint your spouse who has shown love and sincerity for you .Peace in the household promotes development.Teach your children well, it's a worthwhile investment, the opposite will be very damaging.
18.The one who willfully ignores one or more of these boards must not take others as responsible for his problems, failures and disappointments, even if others are vectors.God often punishes us by our fellow
18.It may be that some people deliberately ignore this advice, but when difficulties arise, they do not say they did not know.

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